
Practical skills to navigate puberty.

Following on from Welcome to Puberty, this module continues students’ learning about male and female reproductive systems and extends learning to provide practical strategies that they can implement to cope with the many physical, emotional and social changes that occur during puberty.

In this interactive 120-minute Talk About It session by Life Ed Qld students will learn: 

Tai Module Thumbnails Thriving In Puberty

Delivered in the classroom in the presence of their class teacher, this module actively encourages students to discuss what they have learnt with their parent or care giver. For information to support parents to have these important conversations, please visit our parent section.


Information for parents

Have better conversations with your child. Access our tips for parents!

Access Tips Book My School

Discovering Identity

Development Identity

Navigating Relationships

Development Relationships

Human Reproduction

Development Reproduction

Foundation Modules

For Year 5