
Beloved writer, singer, scholar and civil rights activist Dr Maya Angelou, famously said: 

“… We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter their colour; equal in importance no matter their texture …”  

Maya Angelou’s beautiful words remind us of the power of diversity – a message worth reflecting on during Harmony Week 2025, which runs from Monday 17 March to Sunday 23 March. 

Decisions (best) Schools, Parents, Friends, Role Models

Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s rich cultural diversity and brings together people from all backgrounds. It also recognises the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Friday 21 March.  

This year’s theme, ‘everyone belongs’, encourages us to appreciate our differences (and similarities), promote inclusiveness and show mutual respect for everyone, regardless of race, colour, religion or background. 

Here are some fascinating facts 

  • More than half (51.5 per cent) of Australian residents were born overseas or have at least one parent who was
  • Since 1945, more than 7.6 million people have migrated to Australia 
  • Nearly every single country from around the world was represented in Australia’s population in 2020
  • More than 150 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander languages are spoken in Australia 
  • Apart from English, the most common languages spoken in Australia are Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese, Cantonese and Punjabi
  • We identify with over 300 ancestries 
[** This information has been taken from ABS 2021 Census Data. Check out the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.]

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Life Ed’s purpose 


At Life Ed Queensland, teaching kids to show care, kindness and respect to others, is at the very heart of what we do. Many of our programs help young people understand the importance of respectful relationships – both online and face to face. 

Each day, we hear stories from parents and children about how our sessions have helped kids feel more included, valued and confident. Thanks to our partnerships with incredible schools and early learning centres, we reach children all over Queensland – from Doomadgee in the north to Mt Isa in the west, Goondiwindi in the south and Biloela in the east – and everywhere in between. 

Talk About It  

We’re also proud to weave the principles of acceptance and inclusivity into our innovative Talk About It programQueensland’s largest relationships and sexual health program for primary schools.  

Aligned with the Health and Physical Education Australian Curriculum, Talk About It covers a wide range of topics, from navigating relationships and body safety, to identity and coping with the changes of puberty.  


Discovering Identity   

Our identity is shaped by many things – family, friends, culture and experiences – and it evolves over time. But what’s important is knowing that we have the power to decide what influences us and the freedom to change our minds. 

That’s a powerful concept! 

Through our Discovering Identity module, young people learn about the importance of valuing diversity and understanding the concepts of respect, empathy and inclusion. 

Students learn to: 

  • Explore the concept of developing identity including self-expression, independence and acceptance
  • Examine the importance of belonging and diversity
  • Understand discrimination and appropriate responses to discrimination
  • Understand differences between sex/ gender/ attraction
  • Understand how stereotypes can adversely influence choices and actions

Students leave with practical tools to help them reflect on their own identity and embrace their unique journey. Plus, they can keep learning with extension activities after our “Talk About It” sessions. 

Discovering Identity For Blog

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Celebrating diversity in Harmony Week   

Harmony Week is a great time to reflect on what makes each of us unique – and how those differences make our communities stronger.  

Every person has a story to tell, and these stories weave together to create the rich, colourful fabric of Australian life. 

As we celebrate Harmony Day 2025, we encourage schools, parents and communities to get involved and embrace the diversity that surrounds us. Whether it’s through sharing cultural traditions, learning a new language or simply starting a conversation, there are so many ways we can learn from one another and grow together. 

At Life Ed Queensland, we believe every child deserves to feel seen, heard and valued.  

That’s why we’re passionate about creating safe spaces where kids can explore who they are, develop confidence and build meaningful connections with those around them. 

Let’s celebrate our differences, lift each other up and create a future where everyone belongs – not just during Harmony Week but every day. 

Happy Harmony Week! 



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