
Please support Life Ed Qld in our crucial work

Life Education Queensland gives Queensland kids the skills and knowledge they need to make smart and healthy choices. By spreading Life Education Queensland’s crucial programs to more school-aged children we can continue to give our kids the tools they need for a healthier and happier future.

You can join the cause by making a donation today or monthly! Every donation counts towards a future of healthy children. 

Since 1987, Life Ed Qld has been an important part of growing up for more than 1.7 million Queensland children. Leave a gift in your Will and empower Queensland children with the knowledge and skills for a healthier life for years to come

More info Write your Will for FREE

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.
All donation amounts are processed in Australian dollars

Refund Policy – Donations.
Please consider carefully whether you wish to make a donation. We do not give refunds unless you believe you have mistakenly made a donation. In this case please write to us immediately advising of the circumstances of the mistake or error and the reasons for your refund request. Please note we do not give refunds for donations made more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of a refund request. An administration fee may be charged to process your refund request. Please contact us for further information.”

Wait! You're about to change lives!

Just before you go... Your contribution is crucial, and can make a huge impact right now in the lives of Queensland children. By donating, you can  provide vital health and well-being education to kids who need it most, bringing us one step closer to a healthier future for Queensland children.

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