
ONE LESSON can keep children safe from the dangers of


Kids shouldn’t have to face the dangers of today’s world alone. 

Your monthly gift will equip Queensland children with the skills they need to navigate the complexities and dangers of today’s world, one invaluable Life Ed lesson at a time.

two young girls receiving preventative education

ONE LESSON can keep children safe from the dangers of


Kids shouldn’t have to face the dangers of today’s world alone. 

Your monthly gift will equip Queensland children with the skills they need to navigate the complexities and dangers of today’s world, one invaluable Life Ed lesson at a time.

YOU, and the power of
ONE lesson every month

ONE Life Ed lesson was all it took for…

Sad Multicultural Girl

11-year-old Lily*

To speak up against the horrific abuse she had suffered against the hands of her mother’s partner. She kept the suffering to herself for two years, under threats from her abuser.

After one Life Ed lesson about protective behaviours, boundaries and consent. Lily bravely spoke up, and her abuser was arrested. 

Katie With Son Jacob

9-year-old Jason

To understand that his mother’s domestically violent relationship isn’t a respectful way to act toward women. Jason’s mother, Katie, was scared that her son would grow up thinking that what he witnessed growing up is a normal way to behave with a partner. 

After one Life Ed Lesson, Katie feels supported now that her son is learning about respectful relationships and consent.

Young Girl With Phone (1) Square

11-year-old Ava*

To block the stranger on Snapchat who was asking her to send bikini pictures. After posting a photo of her and her friends at the beach, a stranger started messaging her asking for close-up pictures of her and her friends in their swimwear.  

After one Life Ed lesson on cybersafety and respectful relationships, she knew to trust her gut, reported the stranger and told her parents.

By giving ONE lesson every month, you have the power to transform a child’s future—arming them with the strength to overcome bullying, stay safe, and thrive in today’s world.


Together, we can make sure every child in Queensland is ready for the world.

The rapid rise of smart devices and social media has changed everything, and children are getting lost in a world that is becoming more overwhelming and dangerous. The mental and physical health of children is threated in ways never seen before, as they grow up with an overload of information, misinformation, toxic influences and harmful role-models shaping the way they think and act.

With 45 years of experience in helping children, we need to meet this changing world head-on and provide Queensland kids with the education they need to grow up safe, confident, healthy, and capable of making choices for a bright future. 

We can’t do this without your support. So please, join the Kids Protect Team of Life Ed Qld by making a monthly donation.


Join the Kids Protect Team


Step 1Your Donation


Step 2Payment Details

We accept Visa, Master Card, and American Express.

Step 3Your Details

Terms and Conditions
Your personal information will be collected, used and disclosed by Life Ed Qld in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy also covers how to access, update and collect your personal information and what to do if you have questions or complaints.

A monthly donation creates a huge impact over 12 months. 

Life Ed lessons ensure children in Queensland receive the tools and skills they need to grow up safe, confident and healthy.

What will you give to prepare children for the world?


Provides one invaluable Life Ed lesson to a child every month of the year.


Provides one invaluable Life Ed lesson to 18 children over one year.


Provides a whole classroom of 25 children with a Life Ed lesson each year.

Preventative education is the key to helping Queensland’s children grow up happy, feel safe and succeed in reaching their full potential.

Our unique life education lessons have become a lifeline for thousands of children—a model built on over 45 years of experience, evidence-based strategies, and a deep understanding of the ever-changing challenges children face. But we are only one piece of the puzzle. We cannot reach every child on our own. We need partners, supporters, and champions like you to stand between modern dangers and vulnerable children.

Your monthly donation enables us to reach more Queensland kids, providing them with essential, evidence-based life skills education and support at every stage of their schooling. Here are just a few of the transformative programs made possible by our monthly supporters:

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Safe Kids, Safe Bodies

Provides children with critical education on body rights, consent, and recognising unsafe situations, both in-person and online. Delivered in an age-appropriate way, this program helps children understand the difference between safe and unsafe touch, equipping them with strategies to protect themselves.

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Teaches kids the importance of cybersafety, respectful communication, and responsible behaviour when using technology. Through this program, students learn how to build positive relationships, protect their personal information online, and practice strategies to face cyberbullying.

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Stand Up for Respect

A whole of school approach to bullying prevention where kids to learn about and practice Upstander behaviour. Research shows that if we teach children to use empathy, kindness, respect and courage to face bullying and stand up for themselves and others, we can reduce bullying and violent behaviour as they grow.

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The Inside Story

Provides an understanding of how the human body functions and the impact of nutrition, exercise, and safe practices on their overall health. By exploring the relationship between physical health and mental well-being, children learn age appropriate strategies to make decisions that support the growth of their body and mind.


It’s a lifeline to children and teachers across Queensland.

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You are Supporting More Children in Need

Every child deserves the chance to grow up safe and healthy, but many Queensland children face risks that threaten their well-being. Your monthly donation will reach more of these children, equipping them with crucial life skills and education to help them navigate challenges and strive for a brighter future.

Convenient for You

Make a monthly tax-deductible donation through the Kids Protect Team that can be adjusted at any time. You can easily keep track of your donations and receive a single, easy-to-manage end-of-year tax receipt, making it both cost-effective and convenient for you.

Joining the Kids Protect Team Maskes a Lasting Impact

By joining the Kids Protect Team with your monthly support, you’re empowering us to plan and deliver essential programs throughout a child’s school life. You’ll receive regular updates on the children you’re helping and the lasting impact your support is making in their lives.


With your gift, Life Ed Qld can deliver vital protective behaviours education to more Queensland children, giving them the knowledge and confidence to keep themselves safe. 

All donations of $2 and over are tax-deductible. 

You will receive a receipt for a one-off donation. Donors supporting monthly through our Kids Protect Team will receive an Annual Tax Statement via email each July, detailing donations made in the previous financial year. As we have transitioned to a paperless system, please ensure that we have your up-to-date contact details to ensure you receive your annual tax statement.

Absolutely. We understand that circumstances can change, and you can cancel your gift at any time for any reason by contacting us. Please note you have flexible options available to you where you can either adjust the amount of your donation to suit you, or we have the option of placing your donation on hold for 6 months. You also have the option to adjust the donation amount or pause your donation for six months.

Simply get in touch with us on (07 5572 0166 or email supporters@lifeedqld.org.au to discuss your options to pause, change or cancel your gift. We are here to help.

Monthly donations are processed on the 15th of each month. You can choose to contribute via credit card or direct debit. If a payment fails, we will make additional attempts to process it throughout the month.

If your payment fails, we will contact you to inform you of the missed payment. You will have the option to make up the missed payment or cancel your recurring donation. 

Yes, we are committed to maintaining the security of the financial and personal information you entrust to us when making a donation. Our systems are fully compliant with the security requirements of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) which was founded by the major credit card brands (such as VISA, Mastercard and American Express).

We respect your privacy and adhere to all relevant privacy laws and regulations. Your information will be kept confidential, except as required by law, and is only shared with service providers contracted by Life Ed Qld to specifically support fundraising activities. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Please call us on (07) 5572 0166 and a member of our team will be happy to help. For privacy and security purposes, please do not email credit card or bank account details, instead call us and update your details over the phone.  

If you would like to unsubscribe from communications about your impact, and updates from the Kids Protect Team, you are more than welcome to do so. Simply select unsubscribe in the latest email you have received, or send an email to supporters@lifeedqld.org.au detailing your request. 

Life Ed Qld reserve the right to call, SMS and email you in regards to necessary information surrounding your regular gift, however we will not contact you unnecessarily. 

*The identity of these children and their families have been changed to protect their privacy. They have bravely agreed to share their stories.