
Helping to form positive relationships.

As children’s bodies change through puberty, so too do their friendships and relationships. Understanding the qualities that define a healthy and positive relationship, will support students to navigate some of the most common relationship issues they face during this period of their lives and provide a foundation for positive relationships throughout their lives. 

The Evolving Friendships module by Life Ed Qld also examines peer pressure and conflict, providing students with practical skills to overcome and resolve these issues independently.

Life Education Queensland Healthy Harold Sexual Health Talk About It Evolving Friendships

During this 60-minute interactive session, students learn: 

Delivered in the classroom in the presence of their class teacher, this module actively encourages students to discuss what they have learnt with their parent or care giverFor information to support parents to have these important conversations, please visit our parent section.


Information for parents

Have better conversations with your child. Access our tips for parents!

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