
Help your kids cope with life's ups and downs with the parenting guides provided in Triple P seminars.

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program logo Want to take the guesswork out of parenting? We’re ready to help. 

Help your child reach their full potential, teach important life skills and guide behaviour without tantrums and tears.

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is a world-acclaimed parenting guide that gives you the skills to manage misbehaviour and prevent problems from happening in the first place. From toddler tantrums to a teenager’s defiance, from bedtime dramas to outright disobedience, Triple P helps you work through the issues that affect families everywhere.

triple p presenter Sue Osmand teaching parenting class

To understand how Triple P works, think of it as a toolbox of ideas. You choose the tools you want to make your family life better.

 You can adapt the parenting guide to suit your culture, beliefs and personal situation, using them to build better relationships with your child, solve problems, become a more confident mum or dad – and give your child the best start to life.

Another great benefit of the Triple P program is that it only gives you the amount of help you really need. So you can choose anything from a one-off seminar to detailed group courses or personal support.

And you can be confident that Triple P works. It has more than 30 years’ ongoing scientific research to back it up and is now used in 25 countries around the world.

See what are parents saying about our Parenting Guide seminars

Life Ed QLD offers multiple Triple P modules...

Triple P – Raising Resilient Children

This parenting guide can help you learn more about giving your kids the know-how to tackle problems, now and in the future. This life changing 90 minute seminar is free for Queensland parents and carers of children aged up to 12 years and is packed with strategies to help make family life less dramatic – and more enjoyable. 

Raising Resilient Children seminar can help you… 

  • Teach kids to manage their emotions 
  • Develop your child’s ability to bounce back from disappointments 
  • Show your children how to express strong feelings in a healthy way 
  • Raise kids who can deal with stress 
  • Encourage problem-solving and a positive attitude

Triple P – Fear Less

Some children and teenagers worry more than others. When they become extra worried anxious feelings can start to affect everyday life. They may often be upset and fearful, become withdrawn, or even feel ‘sick with worry’. When they get help to develop their own toolkit of coping skills, they can deal with difficult emotions in healthy ways. 

The Fear Less seminar can help you… 

  • Understand more about anxiety, and how to reduce it.
  • Help your child develop skills to cope with challenging situations and solve problems
  • Know how to respond to your child when they are anxious 
  • Teach them a range of strategies based on proven principles

Triple P – Raising Responsible Teenagers

The Raising Responsible teens program introduces parents to a formula for promoting positive family relationships and a healthy lifestyle for our teens. It encourages teenagers to be involved in family decision making and activities, be respectful and considerate and maintain a healthy positive lifestyle now and into the future.

Raising Responsible Teens seminar can help you… 

  • Build connections and help to enjoy family life together
  • Manage common social, emotional and behavioural issues
  • Reduce use of coercive and punitive parenting practices
  • Improve communication
  • Reduce parental stress

Triple P – Power of Positive Parenting

Our evidence-based Power of Positive Parenting program is designed to help support children and young people’s healthy development and emotional wellbeing. Learn simple but proven ways you will be able to support your child solve problems positively and give them the best opportunity to reach their full potential.

Power of Positive Parenting seminar can help you… 

  • Build How to establish goals for you and your child
  • How to spend quality time with your children
  • How to praise and reward
  • How to redirect and ignore negative behaviours 
  • How to resolve conflict

Parenting for a Safer Internet

Explore practical strategies to help your family navigate the online world safely and with confidence with this parent resource flyer.

Triple P Raising Responsible Teens Webinar

Tuesday 25th March at 7:00pm 

If you are ready to help your child become more resilient or manage their anxiety,  provide us a few details and we can let you know about our next available sessions – hosted either online or in person.

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