
Talk About It Package

Empowering students to navigate consent, identity, and relationships

We understand the challenges schools face in helping students manage the physical, emotional and social changes of growing up. Our Talk About It package is designed to empower young people, build their confidence, and provide essential skills for navigating this often-confusing time. Our program equips students with the tools they need to thrive now and in the future.

Program offer:

Each Talk About It program is designed to equip students with knowledge, skills, and strategies they need when managing the physical and emotional changes that occur as they grow up:

Discovering Identity

This module helps students explore how identities change over time, understand the importance of belonging, and shape value systems that reflect the influences around them.

Thriving in Puberty

Puberty brings significant changes. This module equips students with strategies to confidently navigate the physical, social, and emotional complexities of growing up.

Navigating Relationships

Relationships evolve over time. This module empowers young people to explore different relationships, understand the importance of consent, and set clear boundaries.

Discovering Identity

This module helps students explore how identities change over time, understand the importance of belonging, and shape value systems that reflect the influences around them.

Thriving in Puberty

Puberty brings significant changes. This module equips students with strategies to confidently navigate the physical, social, and emotional complexities of growing up.

Navigating Relationships

Relationships evolve over time. This module empowers young people to explore different relationships, understand the importance of consent, and set clear boundaries.

Additional resources:

When you book our Talk About it Package, not only will you have access to a range of additional resources, but also further support from a Parent Specialist to ensure you get the most out of your visit from Life Ed Qld.

Life Ed Hub
By booking our Talk About It program, you’ll gain access to an array of learning resources via the Life Education Hub, including pre- and post-visit lessons and activity booklets to enhance and embed the lessons delivered by our educators.

Visit the Life Ed Hub

Positive Parenting Program
Our complimentary Triple P session provides practical skills to help parents manage their children’s behaviour effectively. It's delivered in a friendly, non-judgmental environment and supports classroom learning at home.

Learn more about Triple P

What teachers say about our programs:

Each year we partner with over 800 schools and teachers across Queensland to support and reinforce health messages taught both at home and in the classroom. In 2023, we surveyed more than 4,000 teachers, and here’s what they said:

Request a booking

To book a visit from Life Ed Qld, simply complete and submit the form below, and then a member of our team will contact you to finalise your booking. Furthermore, if you have any questions or would like to discuss availability, please contact our bookings team via bookings@lifeedqld.org.au or on 07 5572 0166.