Son Harper, 7 took part in the Safety Rules! module for Years 1-2 when the Life Ed program visited his school in Term 4. The module teaches children the characteristics of positive relationships; how good nutrition and physical activity contribute to social and emotional health; and how to identify safe and unsafe behaviours, situations and environments.
“It was great to hear Harper talking about how to call Triple-0 for help and talking about healthy food and keeping active,” Amy says.
“He was also very aware of safe and unsafe environments and road safety which has informed our bike rides to school.”
Amy remembers the Life Ed program from her own primary school days and says her family even used nutritious Healthy Harold recipes in home cooking.
She says it’s great to see Life Ed resonating with a new generation and covering important new topics.
“As a parent I’m concerned about stranger danger, healthy eating and cybersafety. It is so important to have these messages that I teach at home, reinforced by Life Education,” Amy says.
The family will use their Rebel Sport voucher to buy sports equipment and shoes to “keep the children engaged in healthy activities.”
We look forward to announcing more prize winners in 2024!