Leave a gift in your Will and empower Queensland children with the knowledge and skills for a healthier life for years to come
When you make a Will, it’s normal to make provisions for your loved ones first.
But, as well as making sure family is taken care of, many people also like to support the causes that have played a significant part in their life.
Leaving a gift in your Will to a cause important to you is a wonderful way to create a long-term legacy without affecting your lifestyle today.
Life Ed Qld has partnered with Gathered Here so you can create a legally-binding Will online for free in as little as 10 minutes.
And, if you want to impact generations of young Queenslanders and foster their growth into safe and healthy adults, you can easily select ‘Life Ed Qld’ to leave a gift that really matters.
It doesn’t matter how big or small your gift, every future dollar received will make a life-long impact.
Your final act of generosity will equip Queensland children with the critical skills and education to help them reach their full potential as adults.
All you need is our registered business name (LIFE EDUCATION CENTRE FOUNDATION QLD INC) and ABN (17 760 280 660).
Education is the most powerful tool to empower children to make healthy and safe choices when faced with harmful situations. While leaving a gift in your Will won’t affect your financial situation today, this act of kindness will allow us to reach more young Queenslanders in the future and provide vital education for children for generations to come.
Request More information:
If you’re not sure how to leave a legacy or you want more information, you can download the booklet here.
Wording provided:
When you join Gift for Life, the wording for your Will is provided so you can make your wishes a reality in less than 10 minutes.
In partnership with Australia’s #1 end-of-life service
Gathered Here has proudly provided free Will-writing services to Australians since 2017.
Fast, free, simple
It takes as little as 10 minutes to create a Will at absolutely no cost.
Free and unlimited changes for the rest of your life
When you write your Will with Gathered Here, make as many changes as you like for free, for the rest of your life.
Over time, there are special individuals whose generosity leaves a permanent mark on the lives of others.
Florence Carr, known fondly as ‘Irene’, was born on November 25th, 1923. This extraordinary soul passed away peacefully in her home on the Gold Coast on November 2, 2012, just days away from her 89th birthday.
Irene’s life was rich with experiences as she divided her later years between her home on the Gold Coast and a base in San Francisco.
It was on the Gold Coast that Irene found a cause close to her heart — a cause that would later become her lasting legacy.
A bequest is a special donation left in your Will. It’s a powerful way to ensure your legacy lives on, supporting Life Ed Qld’s ongoing efforts to empower generations of young Queenslanders to reach their full potential as adults.
Your gift can make a significant impact, allowing us to plan for the future with confidence.
You can include Life Ed Qld in your Will by:
Yes, there are various ways to leave a gift:
Each type of gift ensures your lasting impact on Life Ed Qld’s work.
Include our full registered business name LIFE EDUCATION CENTRE FOUNDATION QLD INC and ABN 17 760 280 660
While not required, informing us allows us to thank you and understand your wishes. Please contact Philanthropy Manager, Wayne Evans at wevans@lifeedqld.org.au or 0499 012 138 to let us know.
By informing us of your intention to leave a gift in your Will, we can plan for the future with confidence. With the simple act of writing your Will today with a gift to Life Ed Qld, you are already having a positive impact on the future of Queensland children.
Your will is a flexible document. You can change or update it at any time to reflect your current wishes.
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