
Life Ed Qld is committed to providing and actively promoting a safe environment for children. We have zero tolerance towards child abuse and are committed to protecting the physical, emotional, cultural and social wellbeing of all children.

Our organisation has policies and procedures to protect children, and any allegations or safety concerns will be treated seriously. Life Ed Qld acknowledges that children’s safety is a whole of community responsibility and is everyone’s business.

Child Protection Policy

Life Ed Qld is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. We will ensure that our commitment to child and youth safety and wellbeing is embedded within our organisation’s culture, that it is reflective in our policies and procedures, and that it is understood and practiced at all levels of the organisation.

We will inform all representatives of their obligations to act ethically towards children and young people and ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children. As required, we will provide guidance on the processes and procedures that aim to ensure children’s safety and wellbeing is across all areas of our work.


Read our Child Protection Policy


Life Ed Queensland (LEQ) is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. We will ensure that our commitment to child and youth safety and wellbeing is embedded within our organisation’s culture, that it is reflective in our policies and procedures, and that it is understood and practiced at all levels of the organisation.

We will inform all representatives of their obligations to act ethically towards children and young people and ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children. As required, we will provide guidance on the processes and procedures that aim to ensure children’s safety and wellbeing is across all areas of our work.



This Policy applies to all representatives of LEQ.



Child or young person: for the purposes of this policy is a person who is under 18 years of age.

Representative: refers to employees, volunteers, consultants, contractors, board members,

committee members, students on placement, people undertaking work experience, visitors and guests.

Workplace: refers to any location / time where LEQ staff deliver a service. This includes LEQ office areas, schools or public places such as community centres or event venues.

Child abuse: means all forms of physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse and exploitation, neglect or negligent treatment, commercial or other exploitation of a child and includes any action that results in actual or potential harm to a child or damages their prospects of safe and healthy development into adulthood. Child abuse may be a deliberate act or a failing to act to prevent harm.

Child abuse may also occur through online platforms and certain types of online communication may constitute child abuse. Such communication can include, but is not limited to, a child being asked inappropriate or personal questions; a child being sent inappropriate or offensive content; or a child being asked to send or receive intimate images or to do things in an online setting that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Board: means the Board of Life Education Queensland (ACN 177 760 280 660).

Child Protection: as it relates to this Policy is defined as any responsibility, measure and activity undertaken to safeguard children from both intentional and unintentional harm.

Code of Conduct: means the document entitled ‘Code of Conduct’ released by LEQ.

Learning environment: means any educational space where Life Ed delivers its content. Learning environments can include, but are not limited to, face-to-face delivery on school premises, or in an online virtual classroom, or any other online platform used to disseminate Life Education’s

products and classes such as streaming platforms, digital applications, webinar learning programs and / or video sharing websites.

Regulatory guidance: means any guidance, practice notes, directives, updates and regulation

published by State, Territory or Federal Relevant Authorities.



Each representative is required to comply with this Policy and must:


The Board

In accordance with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, it is the responsibility of the Board to ensure that LEQ has appropriate policies, procedures and culture, as well as effective internal control systems, in place. The Board is also responsible for ensuring LEQ’s strategic plans about our mission are developed with specific consideration of child safety. It is the responsibility of the Board Chair to ensure that all Board members:


It is the responsibility of the CEO to respond swiftly to any concerns relating to, or allegations of, child abuse, and keep their Board regularly informed as to compliance with this Policy as well as the status of any concerns or allegations raised within or concerning LEQ, and ensure those concerns are expressed in a manner that is consistent with confidentiality obligations.

The CEO must also ensure that all LEQ managers:

Human Resources

Should any concerns relating to, or allegations of, child abuse be raised within LEQ, it is the responsibility of the relevant Manager, in consultation with the Human Resources Manager to escalate the issue to the CEO immediately and to ensure confidential and accurate records are kept of these concerns or allegations and any steps taken under the Reporting Procedure for their resolution.

The Human Resources Manager must:


It is the responsibility of all Managers to ensure they promote child safety at all times and that their staff are aware of and comply with this policy and related child protection policies. This responsibility includes:


It is the responsibility of representatives of LEQ to familiarise themselves with the relevant legislation and regulatory guidance concerning child abuse, including online child abuse. Representatives must:


Relevant Legislation and Standards

LEQ child protection policies and procedures are based upon and align with the following legislation, regulations, external policies and standards:


Related Organisational Policies and Procedures


Statement of Commitment

LEQ has developed as stated below a statement of commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people, and the protection of children and young people from harm.

Life Ed Qld hold the safety and wellbeing of children above all else. Child safety is at the heart of everything we do. We strive to provide an environment that is culturally, physically, emotionally and socially safe and inclusive for all children. We are committed to listening to, responding to and elevating the voices of children to ensure their needs and lived experiences are reflected throughout our work and we can support and empower them to lead safe and healthy lives.



The following Child Protection Policy outlines how LEQ promotes child safety and wellbeing through implementation of the ten National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

1.         Leadership, Governance and Culture

2.         Children and Young People’s Participation and Empowerment

3.       Family and Community Involvement

4.       Equity and Diversity

5.       Staff Recruitment and Suitability

6.       Complaints and Feedback

7.       Staff Support and Development

8. Safe Physical and Online Environments

9. Continuous Improvement

10. Identifying, Responding to, and Reporting Harm and Risk of Harm


Policy Status and Review

This policy was approved by Chief Executive Officer in September 2023. Information and assistance with this policy is available from Human Resources. This Policy will be reviewed every two years. It may be reviewed more regularly if there are changes to relevant laws and/or regulatory guidelines so that the Policy remains current, effective and appropriate. Human Resources will be responsible for leading this process.

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