
See what’s happening at Life Ed Qld. The latest news, events and resources to help you and your family to lead a healthy life!

09 October 20

Life Education Queensland joins Arundel State School Mental ‘Wealth’ Day

01 October 20

What is mindfulness?

01 October 20

Who is TAM-e?

02 September 20

Cybersafety – the simple steps to keep your kids safe.

21 August 20

Put the phone down: What parents can do to help reduce screen time

17 August 20

Rewire your brain for better mental health

11 August 20

Finding Happiness with The Resilience Project’s Hugh van Cuylenburg

06 August 20

New animated 3-D Harold springs into life

01 August 20

Cybersafety basics for parents and families

24 July 20

Healthy Eats program making a difference

16 July 20

Building healthy, resilient kids

30 June 20

Teacher resources: Happy Little Veggie-mites

08 June 20

Our educators give back to the community

25 May 20

Healthy Harold welcomes kids back after lockdown

18 May 20

Giving back to communities in crisis

13 May 20

Best Ever Burgers!

07 May 20

Relate, Respect and Connect during isolation

05 May 20

Bringing Healthy Harold to your home

01 May 20

Prevention – What will we learn from COVID-19?

09 April 20

5 ways to keep kids entertained at home

06 April 20

What IS ‘resilience’?